Friday, July 17, 2009

Things You Might Be Wondering

How far did you ride? 2239 miles. Over 39 days of actual riding that's an average of 57.4 miles a day. My daily average would be a bit higher, but there were several days where I rode less than 30 miles, days that I considered rest days, and this brought my average down.

How far did you ride on you longest/shortest day? Longest day was 109 miles. Shortest day was 13.2 miles.

How many states did you ride through? 9 states and 1 Canadian province. In order of appearance: Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, and Ontario.

Did you gain/lose any weight? I lost just over 20 lbs. I weighed 170lbs (yikes!) the day before I left and I weighed 148.6 lbs the day I got back. I probably lost a little more than that, but I basically ate non stop from the time I got to Owen Sound until I got back.

What did you eat? The staples consisted of lots of noodles and soup, tons of granola/cereal bars, fruit whenever I could find it, and tuna. I also ate plenty of gas station pizza and hamburgers. Due to its wide availability, Hunt Brothers Pizza can be the touring cyclists best friend. Many of the places carrying Hunt Brothers Pizza would probably very miserably fail a health inspection, but if you're eating gas station pizza, chances are you're too hungry to care.

Showers? Every day but 3.

Did you ever get bored? Of course, but mostly in the beginning. It took a few days to adjust to life on the road and life with no internet, no tv, no radio, no newspaper, no one to talk to. The first two weeks were tough, but I acclimated, and all was good.

How many times did you wimp out and stay in a motel? 15. I was hoping this number would be lower, but what can I say, I'm a fan of showering. Not too mention staying inside and watching copious amounts of bad tv can go a long way in alleviating the aforementioned boredom. The cheapest place I stayed was by far the nicest, and the most expensive place I stayed was by far the grossest/scariest.

Whats next? Chicago.